1 2 2 2
1 3 3 3
1 4
1 5
想查出p_id=1的a.name和a.type 和b.name
要求:不可有冗余数据 a.p_id = b.p_id and p_id=1只访问一次数据库
order by a.sort
2 2 4
3 3 5
------解决方案--------------------select a.name,a.type,b.name
from a,b
where a.p_id=b.p_id
and a.p_id = 1
order by a.sort
2 2 4
2 2 5
3 3 4
3 3 5
------解决方案--------------------select rownum rn,a.* from a,
(select rownum rn,b.* from b) t2
where p_id=1 and a.rn=t2.rn
------解决方案--------------------drop table a;
CREATE TABLE a(p_id number(10),name varchar2(20),sort varchar2(20),type varchar2(20));
insert into a values( 1, '2 ', '2 ', '2 ');
insert into a values( 1, '3 ', '3 ', '3 ');
select * from a;
drop table b;
create table b(p_id number(10),name varchar2(10));
insert into b values( 1, '4 ');
insert into b values( 1, '5 ');
select * from b;
select a.sort, a.type, b.name
from (select p_id, sort, type, rownum row1 from a) a,
(select p_id, name, rownum row1 from b) b
where a.p_id = b.p_id
and a.row1 = b.row1
order by a.sort