gc_ok varchar2(10) := 'ok';
gc_pagelen number(10) := 100 ;
procedure paging(
vi_ymd in date,
vi_pagelen in out integer, -- 0: 不用分页,查询出全部记录。-1:缺省页长度
vi_pagenum in out integer,
vo_msg out varchar2,
vo_total out integer,
vo_hasnext out integer, -- 0: have not next records; 1: hasnext is true
vo_cursor out sys_refcursor
v_ymd date;
v_pagehead number;
v_pagetail number;
v_pagelen number;
v_count integer;
vo_msg := gc_ok;
v_ymd := trunc(vi_ymd);
if vi_pagelen > 0 then
v_pagelen := vi_pagelen;
elsif vi_pagelen < 0 then
v_pagelen := gc_pagelen;
end if;
v_pagehead := vi_pagenum * v_pagelen + 1; --第一个记录rownum
v_pagetail := vi_pagenum * v_pagelen + v_pagelen; --最后一个记录rownum
select count(*) into v_count from
( select rownum row_no, x.* from
( select b.orgidt, b.cusidt, b.apcode, b.curcde, b.actnam, a.bal, a.avgbal
from t_bal a, t_act b
where a.ymd = v_ymd
and a.act_id = b.id
) x
) y;
if v_count > 0 then
vo_total := v_count;
case vi_pagelen
when 0 then
open vo_cursor for
select row_no, y.* from
( select rownum row_no, x.* from
( select b.orgidt, b.cusidt, b.apcode, b.curcde, b.actnam, a.bal, a.avgbal
from t_bal a, t_act b
where a.ymd = v_ymd
and a.act_id = b.id
) x
) y;
when -1 then
open vo_cursor for
select row_no, y.* from
( select rownum row_no, x.* from
( select b.orgidt, b.cusidt, b.apcode, b.curcde, b.actnam, a.bal, a.avgbal
from t_bal a, t_act b
where a.ymd = v_ymd
and a.act_id = b.id
) x
) y
where row_no between v_pagehead and v_pagetail;
open vo_cursor for
select row_no, y.* from
( select rownum row_no, x.* from
( select b.orgidt, b.cusidt, b.apcode, b.curcde, b.actnam, a.bal, a.avgbal
from t_bal a, t_act b
where a.ymd = v_ymd
and a.act_id = b.id
) x
) y
where row_no between v_pagehead and v_pagetail;
end case;
open vo_cursor for
select null orgidt,null cusidt,null apcode,null curcde,
null actnam,null bal,null avgbal from dual;
end if;
if vi_pagenum * vi_pagelen + gc_pagelen < v_count then