SELECT b.wo_no, b.part_no, c.process, e.route_code input,
e1.route_code output, SUM (a.qty) inputqty,d.outputqty,
TO_CHAR (NVL (TRUNC (d.outputqty / SUM (a.qty), 2) * 100, 0) || '% ') output_rate,
SUM (a.qty) - d.outputqty wip,
g.meaning org
FROM sfcs.sfcs_io_statistics a,
sfcs.wip_wo b,
sfcs.inv_pn_process c,
sfcs.sh_route_code e,
sfcs.sh_route_code e1,
sfcs.inv_pn f,
sfcs.sys_parameters g,
(SELECT SUM (a1.qty) outputqty, b1.wo_no, b1.part_no, c1.process
FROM sfcs.sfcs_io_statistics a1,
sfcs.wip_wo b1,
sfcs.inv_pn_process c1
WHERE a1.route_code = c1.o_ws_id
AND a1.TYPE = 'O '
AND a1.wo_key = b1.wo_key
AND c1.part_no = b1.part_no
AND a1.part_no = c1.part_no
GROUP BY b1.wo_no, b1.part_no, c1.process) d
WHERE a.route_code = c.i_ws_id
AND c.i_ws_id = e.routecode_key
AND c.o_ws_id = e1.routecode_key
AND a.TYPE = 'I '
AND a.wo_key = b.wo_key
AND c.part_no = b.part_no
AND a.part_no = c.part_no