日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21078 次
Select t1.Parentcode, Sum(t1.Value) From (Select t.Code code, Decode(t.Parentcode, '1506001', t.Code, t.Parentcode) Parentcode, t.Value Value From (Select a.Code Code, a.Parentcode Parentcode, Decode(b.Value, '', 0, b.Value) Value From a, b Where a.Code = b.Code(+)) t Start With t.Parentcode = '1506001' Connect By t.Parentcode = Prior t.Code)t1 Group By t1.Parentcode
Select t1.Parentcode, Sum(t1.Value)
From (Select t.Code code,
Decode(t.Parentcode, '1506001', t.Code, t.Parentcode) Parentcode,
t.Value Value
From (Select a.Code Code,
a.Parentcode Parentcode,
Decode(b.Value, '', 0, b.Value) Value
From a, b
Where a.Code = b.Code(+)) t
Start With t.Parentcode = '1506001'
Connect By t.Parentcode = Prior t.Code)t1
Group By t1.Parentcode
SELECT substr(p, 2, instr(p, ',', 1, 2) - 2) code, SUM(VALUE) FROM (SELECT LEVEL, a.*, b.value, sys_connect_by_path(a.code, ',') || ',' p FROM a, b WHERE a.code = b.code(+) START WITH a.parentcode = '1506001' CONNECT BY PRIOR a.code = a.parentcode) GROUP BY substr(p, 2, instr(p, ',', 1, 2) - 2)