日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21078 次

有两个表,表A 单位表,三级单位,通过parentid进行级别间的关联
  表B 统计值表,二三级单位会有一个value值。

create table A (code varchar2(10),parentcode varchar2(10));
insert into A values('1506001','');
insert into A values('A-1','1506001');
insert into A values('B-1','1506001');
insert into A values('A-2','1506001');
insert into A values('C-1','1506001');
insert into A values('12324','A-1');
insert into A values('32434','A-1');
insert into A values('aaaaa','A-2');
insert into A values('ccccc','C-1');
insert into A values('bbbbb','B-1');
select * from A

create table B(code varchar2(10),value int);
insert into B values('A-1',200);
insert into B values('B-1',50);

insert into B values('12324',522);
insert into B values('32434',500);
insert into B values('aaaaa',100);
insert into B values('ccccc',200);
insert into B values('bbbbb',300);

SQL code

Select t1.Parentcode, Sum(t1.Value)
  From (Select t.Code code,
               Decode(t.Parentcode, '1506001', t.Code, t.Parentcode) Parentcode,
               t.Value Value
          From (Select a.Code Code,
                       a.Parentcode Parentcode,
                       Decode(b.Value, '', 0, b.Value) Value
                  From a, b
                 Where a.Code = b.Code(+)) t
         Start With t.Parentcode = '1506001'
        Connect By t.Parentcode = Prior t.Code)t1
 Group By t1.Parentcode

Select t1.Parentcode, Sum(t1.Value)
From (Select t.Code code,
Decode(t.Parentcode, '1506001', t.Code, t.Parentcode) Parentcode,
t.Value Value
From (Select a.Code Code,
a.Parentcode Parentcode,
Decode(b.Value, '', 0, b.Value) Value
From a, b
Where a.Code = b.Code(+)) t
Start With t.Parentcode = '1506001'
Connect By t.Parentcode = Prior t.Code)t1
 Group By t1.Parentcode

SQL code
SELECT substr(p, 2, instr(p, ',', 1, 2) - 2) code, SUM(VALUE)
  FROM (SELECT LEVEL, a.*, b.value, sys_connect_by_path(a.code, ',') || ',' p
          FROM a, b
         WHERE a.code = b.code(+)
         START WITH a.parentcode = '1506001'
        CONNECT BY PRIOR a.code = a.parentcode)
 GROUP BY substr(p, 2, instr(p, ',', 1, 2) - 2)