日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21260 次

studentid name sex
001 张三 男
002 赵四 女
Studentid maths english
001 80 90
002 75 95
teacherid tname course
101 美女 maths
102 帅哥 english

Studentid name sex course score tname
001 张三 男 maths 80 美女
001 张三 男 english 90 帅哥
002 赵四 女 maths 75 美女
002 赵四 女 english 95 帅哥

SQL code
select m.*,n.course , o.maths score n.tname
from Studentinfo m ,  Teacherinfo n , Coursescore o 
where m.studentid = n.studentid and m.studentid = o.studentid 
union all
select m.*,n.course , o.english score n.tname
from Studentinfo m ,  Teacherinfo n , Coursescore o 
where m.studentid = n.studentid and m.studentid = o.studentid

SELECT A.*,c.course,b.maths,c.tname
FROM studentinfo A,coursescore b,teacherinfo c
where a.studentid=b.studentid and c.course='maths'
SELECT A.*,c.course,b.english,c.tname
FROM studentinfo A,coursescore b,teacherinfo c
where a.studentid=b.studentid and c.course='english'

SQL code
create table Studentinfo(studentid varchar(10),name varchar(10),sex varchar(10))
insert into Studentinfo values('001', '张三', '男')
insert into Studentinfo values('002', '赵四', '女')
create table Coursescore(Studentid varchar(10),maths int,english int)
insert into Coursescore values('001', 80 ,90)
insert into Coursescore values('002', 75 ,95)
create table Teacherinfo(teacherid varchar(10),tname varchar(10),course varchar(10))
insert into Teacherinfo values('101', '美女', 'maths')
insert into Teacherinfo values('102', '帅哥', 'english')

select m.*,n.course , o.maths score ,n.tname
from Studentinfo m ,  Teacherinfo n , Coursescore o 
where m.studentid = o.studentid and n.course = 'maths'
union all
select m.*,n.course , o.english score ,n.tname
from Studentinfo m ,  Teacherinfo n , Coursescore o 
where m.studentid = o.studentid and n.course = 'english'

drop table Studentinfo , Coursescore ,Teacherinfo

studentid  name       sex        course     score       tname      
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- 
001        张三         男          maths      80          美女
002        赵四         女          maths      75          美女
001        张三         男          english    90          帅哥
002        赵四         女          english    95          帅哥

(所影响的行数为 4 行)


SQL code
with Studentinfo as(
  select '001' studentid,'张三' name,'男' sex from dual union                 
  select '002' studentid,'赵四' name,'女' sex from dual),
Coursescore as(                 
  select '001' studentid, 80 maths, 90 english from dual union
  select '002' studentid, 75 maths, 95 english from dual),                 
Teacherinfo as(
  select '101' teacherid,'美女' tname, 'maths'   course from dual union                 
  select '102' teacherid,'帅哥' tname, 'english' course from dual)

SELECT s.Studentid, s.name, s.sex, c.course, c.score, t.tname
  FROM Studentinfo s,
       (SELECT studentid, 'maths' course, maths score
          FROM Coursescore
        UNION ALL
        SELECT studentid, 'english' course, english score FROM Coursescore) c,
       Teacherinfo t
 WHERE s.studentid = c.studentid AND
       c.course = t.course;

SQL code

SQL> select s.studentid, s.name, s.sex, t.course,
  2         (select case when t.course = 'maths'     then maths
  3                      when t.course = 'english'   then english