日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:21293 次

用pl/sql developer查询时报‘无效的数字’错误
今天用pl/sql developer查询时出错了。sql语句如下:
select t.* from t_user_test t where t.t_dept = 48000148400 and t.t_user=790000561;
报‘无效数字’错误,把 and t.t_user=790000561 去掉就能查询出来,把790000561改成‘790000561’也能查询出来。

SQL code

SQL> create table test1(id        varchar2(200));
Table created
SQL> insert into test1 values('1');
1 row inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select * from test1 where id = 1;
SQL> insert into test1 values('-');
1 row inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select * from test1 where id = 1;
select * from test1 where id = 1
ORA-01722: 无效数字