日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:22947 次
Create function f_get_knit_time(dept_id in varchar2,process_id in varchar2,beginDt in varchar2,endDt in varchar2) return integer is result; begin select nvl( sum(QUANTITY * knit_time)/60,0) as knit_time from WORK_CKM_KNITTIME a,(SELECT WSM.LOT_NO, WBM.CARD_SIZE, count(*) QUANTITY from WORKSCAN_SH_LIST WSL, WORKSCAN_SH_MAIN WSM, WORK_BAR_LIST WBL, WORK_BAR_MAIN WBM, work_staff ws, work_process wp WHERE WSM.PKEY = WSL.PKEY and WBM.CARD_ID=WBL.CARD_ID AND WSL.BAR_CODE=WBL.BAR_CODE and ws.station_name ='电脑织机' and wsm.object_id = ws.staff_id and wsm.main_process = wp.process_id and ws.Dept_ID := dept_id and ws.process_id := process_id and WSM.scan_date >= to_date(''+beginDt+'','dd-MM-yyyy HH24:MI:SS') and WSM.scan_date <= to_date(''+endDt+''+ ' 23:59:59' ,'dd-MM-yyyy HH24:MI:SS') GROUP BY WSM.LOT_NO,WBM.CARD_SIZE ) b where a.LOT_NO = b.LOT_NO and a.size_name = b.CARD_SIZE end select f_get_knit_time('16','+3','18-08-2011','18-08-2011') from dual; 请帮我看看这个函数再使用参数和调用函数是不是这样写.
-- 给个列子给你: -- Oracle返回表值的函数 create or replace type empobj as object ( empno number(4), ename varchar2(10), sal number(7,2) ) / create or replace type emptb is table of empobj / create or replace function myemp(i_deptno number) return emptb is Result emptb := emptb(); begin result := emptb(); for i in (select empno, ename, sal from emp where deptno=i_deptno ) loop result.extend; result(result.count):=empobj(NULL,NULL,NULL); result(result.count).empno :=