日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20880 次

create snapshot log on emp

create snapshot s1_emp as select * from emp

create snapshot log on s1_emp

create snapshot s2_emp as select * from s1_emp

alter snapshot s1_emp refresh fast start with sysdate+1/86400 next sysdate + 1/86400;
alter snapshot s2_emp refresh fast start with sysdate+1/86400 next sysdate + 1/86400;


update emp set ename='kxf' where empno=7934;


试一下: 第一个和第二个时间 不要同一时间刷新。

If you want to use fast refresh, you should fast refresh all the materialized views
along any chain. It makes little sense to define a fast refreshable materialized
view on top of a materialized view that must be refreshed with a complete
If you want the highest level materialized view to be fresh with respect to the
detail tables, you need to ensure that all materialized views in a tree are
customers sales times products
sum_sales_cust_time join_sales_cust_time_prod

refreshed in the correct dependency order before refreshing the highest-level.
Oracle does not provide support for automatic refreshing of intermediate
materialized views in a nested hierarchy. If the materialized views under the
highest-level materialized view are stale, refreshing only the highest-level will
succeed, but makes it fresh only with respect to its underlying materialized
view, not the detail tables at the base of the tree.

试一下: 第一个和第二个时间 不要同一时间刷新。

If you want to use fast refresh, you should fast refresh all the materialized views
along any chain. It makes little sense to define a fast refreshable materialized
view ……

第二个 要保证在第一完成之后再运行。
还有 我记得 fast refresh 是需要有 log 的吧
s2_emp 不需要吗?
那你可以测试下 把时间间隔设大点, 看是不时这个原因造成的。
先找到root cause 再说呀。