日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:21253 次
with a as ( select 'A0103' a, 127030.53 b, 17622393.01 c, 22080530.55 d from dual union all select 'B0101', 2231, 220193, 242716 from dual ) select a,b,c,d from a union all select a,round(sum(b1)/sum(b2)),round(sum(c1)/sum(c2)),round(sum(d1)/sum(d2)) from (select 'C01' a,sum(case when rn=1 then b else 0 end) b1 ,sum(case when rn=2 then b else 0 end)b2 ,sum(case when rn=1 then c else 0 end)c1 ,sum(case when rn=2 then c else 0 end)c2 ,sum(case when rn=1 then d else 0 end)d1 ,sum(case when rn=2 then d else 0 end)d2 from ( select a,b,c,d,rownum rn from a ) group by a) group by a --result: 1 A0103 127030.53 17622393.01 22080530.55 2 B0101 2231 220193 242716 3 C01 57 80 91
create table test_yixl1 as
(select '总收入' as stat_item_name, 'A0103' as stat_item_code, '127030.53' as y2006,
'17622393.01' as y2007, '22080530.55' as y2008 from dual
select '人次' as stat_item_name, 'b0101' as stat_item_code, '2231' as y2006,
'220193' as y2007, '242716' as y2008 from dual);
select rownum rn , stat_item_name, stat_item_code,
y2006, y2007, y2008 from test_yixl1
select rownum+2 rn , '平均收入' as stat_item_name,
'c01' as stat_item_code,
to_char(total.y2006/ave.y2006, 'fm999999990.90') as y2006,
to_char(total.y2007/ave.y2007, 'fm999999990.90') as y2007,
to_char(total.y2008/ave.y2008, 'fm999999990.90') as y2008
from test_yixl1 total, test_yixl1 ave
where total.stat_item_name = '总收入' and ave.stat_item_name = '人次'