日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20987 次
update tb_shop a set a.pk_tw_user_id= (select b.agentno from
tb_userinfo b where b.agentno like'9___' and a.isactive='Y' and b.isactive='Y' and a.pk_tw_user_id=b.tu_user_bh )
where exists (select 1 from tb_userinfo b where a.pk_tw_user_id=b.tu_user_bh);
update a
set a.pk_tw_user_id = b.agentno from tb_shop a, tb_userinfo b
where a.pk_tw_user_id = b.tu_user_bh
and b.agentno like '9___'
and a.isactive = 'Y'
and b.isactive = 'Y'
update tb_shop a
set a.pk_tw_user_id =
(select b.agentno
from tb_userinfo b
where a.pk_tw_user_id = b.tu_user_bh)
where a.isactive = 'Y' and exists (select 1
from tb_userinfo b
where a.pk_tw_user_id = b.tu_user_bh
and b.agentno like '9___'
and b.isactive = 'Y')