日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20957 次
update km_cmdoc_main set fd_delete_type = '02';
update km_cmdoc_main set fd_enter_system = '02';
select *
from (select m.*
from km_cmdoc_main m
inner join (select distinct fd_cmdoc_id
from km_cmdoc_review_handler
where fd_company_id =
'139dc1399ef69959cd4e0a14395a3f8e') h
on m.fd_id = h.fd_cmdoc_id
union all
select mau.*
from km_cmdoc_auth au
inner join km_cmdoc_main mau
on au.doc_creator_company_id = mau.doc_creator_company_id
where au.fd_auth_id = '139dc23f04c6385c52ab1724864a9a121b')
where doc_status <> '10'
and fd_enter_system <> '02'
and fd_delete_type <> '02'
select *
from km_cmdoc_main
where doc_status <> '10'
and fd_enter_system <> '02'
and fd_delete_type <> '02'