日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20976 次
update IP_23_Fees_detail set invalid=ip.totalcost*(1-me.validRateIP)
from IP_23_Fees_detail ip join chargeItem_ExtendedProperty me on ip.charge_id=me.charge_id
where me.insurancetype='N' and me.region_id=23 and ip.ip_code='001120211' and ip.running_number='1' and ip.chargeitem_type not in (6,7,8,9)
update IP_23_Fees_detail
set invalid =
(select ip.totalcost * (1 - me.validRateIP)
from IP_23_Fees_detail ip
join chargeItem_ExtendedProperty me
on ip.charge_id = me.charge_id
where ip.ip_code = '001120211'
and ip.running_number = '1'
and ip.chargeitem_type not in (6, 7, 8, 9))
where me.insurancetype = 'N'
and me.region_id = 23