能否用变量来代替一段语句 有以下语句: select (select * from 表1 where 字段1=(select * from 表2 where 字段2='01') and 字段3='高级') a, (select * from 表1 where 字段1=(select * from 表2 where 字段2='01') and 字段3='中级') b, (select * from 表1 where 字段1=(select * from 表2 where 字段2='01') and 字段3='初级') c from dual
能否用什么变量之类的来代替 (select * from 表2 where 字段2='01') 或者 变量= (select * from 表2 where 字段2='01') 即写成 select (select * from 表1 where 字段1=变量 and 字段3='高级') a, (select * from 表1 where 字段1=变量 and 字段3='中级') b, (select * from 表1 where 字段1=变量 and 字段3='初级') c from dual