存储过程有问题 没找出来
应该是字段名没有准确定义,或者有相同的字段名。但我找了好久 没找出来。用这个显示数据没问题,用这个来导出excel 就报那个错误了。
select a.empid,a.empname,i.factoryname,c.organizationname
,FLOOR(h.passhour/|| I_ScorHour ||) as learnScore
,h.learnedHour-h.allduration as allDurationSub
,h.learnedHour-k.CreditHoursTotal as CreditHoursSub
,||I_Year|| as year,s.dutystatusname
from employees a
left join userinfo e on a.empid=e.empid
inner join (select f.userid,f.year,count(f.lessoncode) as lessonNum,round(sum(g.duration)/60,1) as allduration
,nvl(sum(case when f.status in ('E','F','R') then g.duration end)/60,0) as learnedHour
,nvl(sum(case when f.status in ('E','F','R') then 1 end),0) as learnedLesson
,nvl(sum(case when f.passchk=1 or (g.mustexamchk=0 and f.degreepercent=100) then g.duration end)/60,0)
as passhour
,nvl(count(case when aa.abilitytypecode='E' then f.lessoncode end),0) as biXiuKC
,nvl(count(case when f.status in ('E','F','R') and aa.abilitytypecode='E' then 1 end),0) as biXiuTongG
,(count(f.lessoncode)- count(case when aa.abilitytypecode='E' then f.lessoncode end)) as biXiuChaYi
from userlessons f
left join lessons g on g.lessoncode=f.lessoncode
inner join abilities cc on cc.abilityid=f.abilityid
inner join abilitytypes aa on aa.abilitytypecode=cc.abilitytypecode
where f.year=''|| I_Year ||'' and f.planlessonchk=1
group by f.year,f.userid
) h on h.userid =e.userid
left join positions b on b.positioncode=a.positioncode
left join organizations c on c.organizationcode=b.organizationcode
left join professionallevels d on a.professionallevelcode=d.professionallevelcode
left join factorys i on i.factorycode=a.factorycode
left join (select t.Year, t.ProfessionalLevelCode, sum(t.CreditHours) as CreditHoursTotal
from ProfLevelCreditHours t
group by t.Year, t.ProfessionalLevelCode) k on k.year=h.year and k.ProfessionalLevelCode=a.professionallevelcode
left join dutystatus s on s.dutystatuscode = a.dutystatuscode
where nvl(a.delchk,0)=0
------解决方案--------------------SQL code
,FLOOR(h.passhour/|| I_ScorHour ||) as learnScore
,||I_Year|| as year,s.dutystatusname
,FLOOR(h.passhour/ I_ScorHour ) as learnScore
,I_Year as year,s.dutystatusname