日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21398 次

create table students
stuID number primary key,
stuName varchar2(20),
stuSex char(2) check(stuSex='男' or stuSex='女') default('男'),
stuAge number(3) check(stuAge between 0 and 100) default(0),
stuCity varchar2(20),
classID number(4)
constraint students_fk foreign key(classID) references classes(classID)

SQL code
create table students
stuID number primary key,
stuName varchar2(20),
stuSex char(2) default('男') check(stuSex='男' or stuSex='女'),
stuAge number(3) default(0) check(stuAge between 0 and 100),
stuCity varchar2(20),
classID number(4),
constraint students_fk foreign key(classID) references classes(classID)

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SQL code

create table students
stuID number primary key,
stuName varchar2(20),
stuSex char(2) default('男') check(stuSex='男' or stuSex='女'),
stuAge number(3) default(0) check(stuAge between 0……