日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20817 次
// 想将下面的转为mysql的,求各位帮帮忙,非常感谢!!在线等,我先去恶补下SQL的函数知识,希望等会能有好心人的回答~~ create or replace function getFiberStatus(in_stationid in varchar2, -- 局站标识 in_markid in varchar2, -- 地标标识 in_segmentid in varchar2, -- 光缆段标识 in_fiberid in varchar2) -- 光纤标识 return integer is v_count integer := 0; begin -- 是否被光纤连接占用 select count(*) into v_count from fams_fiberconnection where decode(stationid, in_stationid, 1, 0) = 1 and decode(markid, in_markid, 1, 0) = 1 and ((asegmentid = in_segmentid and afiberid = in_fiberid) or (zsegmentid = in_segmentid and zfiberid = in_fiberid)); if v_count > 0 then return 1; end if; -- 是否被分光器占用 select count(*) into v_count from fams_splitter where decode(stationid, in_stationid, 1, 0) = 1 and decode(markid, in_markid, 1, 0) = 1 and segmentid = in_segmentid and fiberid = in_fiberid; if v_count > 0 then return 1; end if; -- 是否被分光器连接占用 select count(*) into v_count from fams_splitter s, fams_splitterconnection sc where decode(stationid, in_stationid, 1, 0) = 1 and decode(markid, in_markid, 1, 0) = 1 and s.splitterid = sc.splitterid and sc.segmentid = in_segmentid and sc.fiberid = in_fiberid; if v_count > 0 then return 1; end if; -- 是否被光开关连接占用 select count(*) into v_count from fams_rtu r, fams_oswconnection oc where r.stationid = in_stationid and r.rtuid = oc.rtuid and oc.segmentid = in_segmentid and oc.fiberid = in_fiberid; if v_count > 0 then return 1; end if; -- 其它需要补充,否则未被占用状态 return 0; end getFiberStatus;
where decode(stationid, in_stationid, 1, 0) = 1 --上面的意思就是下面的意思,怎么搞了这么复杂(就是stationid值为in_stationid的值是成立,否则不成立) where stationid = in_stationid
-- 我也顺便学习下,下面是百度后的结果,不知道对不对.. CREATE FUNCTION getFiberStatus(in_stationid VARCHAR(10), -- 局站标识 in_markid VARCHAR(10), -- 地标标识 in_segmentid VARCHAR(10), -- 光缆段标识 in_fiberid VARCHAR(10)) -- 光纤标识 RETURNS INTEGER DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL BEGIN -- 初始化 DECLARE v_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0; -- 是否被光纤连接占用 SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM fams_fiberconnection WHERE stationid = in_stationid AND markid = in_markid AND ((asegmentid = in_segmentid AND afiberid = in_fiberid) OR (zsegmentid = in_segmentid AND zfiberid = in_fiberid)); IF v_count > 0 THEN RETURN 1; END IF; -- 是否被分光器占用 SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM fams_splitter WHERE stationid = in_stationid AND markid = in_markid AND segmentid = in_segmentid AND fiberid = in_fiberid; IF v_count > 0 THEN RETURN 1; END IF; -- 是否被分光器连接占用 SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM fams_splitter s, fams_splitterconnection sc WHERE stationid = in_stationid AND markid = in_markid AND s.splitterid = sc.splitterid AND sc.segmentid = in_segmentid AND sc.fiberid = in_fiberid; IF v_count > 0 THEN RETURN 1; END IF; -- 是否被光开关连接占用 SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM fams_rtu r, fams_oswconnection oc WHERE r.stationid = in_stationid AND r.rtuid = oc.rtuid AND oc.segmentid = in_segmentid AND oc.fiberid = in_fiberid; IF v_count > 0 THEN RETURN 1; END IF; -- 其它需要补充,否则未被占用状态 RETURN 0; END;