日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20927 次

SQL code

drop table stu_cour;
drop table student;
drop table course;

create table student(
sid char(10) constraint student_sid_pk primary key, --学号
sname varchar(20) not null --姓名

create table course(
cid char(10) constraint course_cid_pk primary key, --学号
cname varchar(20) not null --班级名

create table stu_cour(
sid char(10) constraint stu_cour_sid_fk references student(sid),
cid char(10) constraint stu_cour_cid_fk references course(cid),
score number(4,1) constraint stu_cour_score_ck check (score between 0 and 100),
constraint stu_cour_sid_cid_pk primary key (sid,cid)

drop sequence s1;

create sequence s1
start with 1001
increment by 1;

drop sequence s2;

create sequence s2
start with 1001
increment by 1;

insert into student(sid, sname) values ('s'||s1.nextval,'a');
insert into student(sid, sname) values ('s'||s1.nextval,'b');
insert into student(sid, sname) values ('s'||s1.nextval,'c');

insert into course(cid, cname) values ('c'||s2.nextval, 'c1');
insert into course(cid, cname) values ('c'||s2.nextval, 'c2');
insert into course(cid, cname) values ('c'||s2.nextval, 'c3');

insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1001', 'c1001', 90);
insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1001', 'c1002', 80);
insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1001', 'c1003', 80);

insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1002', 'c1001', 90);
insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1002', 'c1002', 80);

insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1003', 'c1001', 90);
insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1003', 'c1002', 80);
insert into stu_cour(sid, cid, score) values ('s1003', 'c1003', 80);

想要知道 b 没选哪些课程(课程名)
SQL code

select c.cid
from course c left join stu_cour sc 
on c.cid = sc.cid 
and sc.sid = ('s1002') --对
where sc.sid is null and sc.cid is null;

select c.cid
from course c left join stu_cour sc 
on c.cid = sc.cid 
and (sc.sid = (select sid
                    from student
                    where sname = 'b')) -- 错了
where sc.sid is null and sc.cid is null;

各个子句的执行顺序不是 from --> and --> on --> where --> select 么?

SQL code

select c.cid
from course c left join stu_cour sc 
on c.cid = sc.cid 
and (sc.sid in (select sid
                    from student
                    where sname = 'b')) 
where sc.sid is null and sc.cid is null;

SQL code

drop table stu_cour;
drop table student;
drop table course;

create table student(
sid char(10) constraint student_sid_pk primary key, --学号
sname varchar(20) not null --姓名

create tabl……

上面写了这么多建表语句 直接上下面俩sql就可以了

唯一关系才返回一个值 多条记录 in返回数据集