日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21082 次
declare type t_type is table of number index by binary_integer; type tt_type is table of t_type index by binary_integer; n number := &n; tt_array tt_type; begin tt_array(1)(1) := 1; tt_array(2)(1) := 1; tt_array(2)(2) := 1; for i in 3 .. n loop tt_array(i)(1) := 1; for j in 2 .. i - 1 loop tt_array(i)(j) := tt_array(i - 1) (j - 1) + tt_array(i - 1) (j); end loop; tt_array(i)(i) := 1; end loop; for i in 1 .. tt_array.count loop for j in 1 .. i loop dbms_output.put(tt_array(i) (j)); dbms_output.put(' '); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(''); end loop; end;