日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:22998 次

IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'Oracle_Database returns one entry for each database that is managed by Oracle
Enterprise Manager. View entries are created using the databases that are known
to the Enterprise Manager Management Repository. Note: A Real Application
Cluster is presented...
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'Oracle_DatabaseInstance contains one entry for each Oracle Instance that is
centrally managed. A Real Application Cluster has one entry for each of the
instances that manipulate it. Instances of Oracle_DatabaseInstance are created
using the database ...
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'An Oracle_DatabaseSystem represents the existence of an Oracle database
environment as a manageable entity. Instances of Oracle_DatabaseSystem are
used to navigate to the software characteristics of the database environment
that are modeled within the...
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'The AssociatedDBSystem association identifies the database system that was used
to create the database.This association links an Oracle Database with
thedatabase system elements that are related.'
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'The InstanceAvailableToDB association relates an Oracle database and its
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'Oracle_DBInstanceStatistics contains statistics for a database instance. These
are retrieved from the Oracle Managment Repository that is managing the
database upon request from a managment client.'
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'Oracle_DatabaseStatistics provides current information about the statistics for
a database. Database statistics pertain to the database and have the same
value regardless of the database instance that is used.'
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'Oracle_CurrentDBInstanceStats is an association that relates a Oracle database
instance to its current statistical information.'
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句:  
'Oracle_CurrentDBStatistics is an association that relates a Oracle database to
its current statistical information.'
成功终止导入, 但出现警告。

引用楼主 mailguoyy 的帖子:
IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度
IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句: 
'Oracle_Database returns one entry for each database that is managed by Oracle
Enterprise Manager. View entries are created using the databases that are known
to the Enterprise Manager Management …


