oracle with as 的用法 谢谢? with tmp1 as ( SELECT case when (select org_type from epma.o_org where org_no=a.org_no)='6' then (select p_org_no from epma.o_org where org_no=a.org_no) else a.org_no end org_no, case when (ELEC_TYPE_CODE IN('100','101','102') ) then '1、大工业 ' when (ELEC_TYPE_CODE IN('402','40304') ) then '2、非普工业' when (ELPE_CODE IN('300','301','302') ) then '3、业 ' when (ELEC_TYPE_CODE IN('400','401','203') ) then '4、其它照明' when (ELEC_TYPE_CODE 00','201','202') ) then '5、居民照明' hen (ELEC_TYPE_CODE IN('405') ) then '6、商业照明' when (ELEC_TYPE_CODE IN('500','501'','503','504','505') ) then '7、趸售 ' when (ELEC_T_CODE IN('000','900') ) then '8、其 ' end ydlbmc,count(*) hs,sum(CONTRACT_CAP) as rl from epma.c_cons a where STATUS_CODE<> '9' AND MR_SECT_NO <> '9999999999' AND BUILD_DATE < to_date('2008-12-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND CANCEL_DATE > to_date('2008-12-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM EPMA.C_MP B WHERE B.CONS_ID = A.CONS_ID AND B.TYPE_CODE = '02') group by org_no,ELEC_TYPE_CODE) select (select org_name from epma.o_org where org_no=tmp1.org_no),ydlbmc,tmp1.hs,tmp1.rl from tmp1 order by tmp1.org_no,ydlbmc
with as 的语法 以及怎样使用它? 也就是在什么情况下使用? 谢谢
------解决方案-------------------- 与内联视图作用完全等价。
------解决方案-------------------- 相当于建个临时表 语法就是 with tempname as (select ....) select ...
例子: with t as (select * from emp where depno=10) select * from t where empno=xxx
要求查询工资比起所在部门工资高的员工的信息,此时需要很多的连接,就可以使用with as 比较清晰的连接 几个表
Assembly code
wd as (select did,arg(salary) 平均工资 from work),
em as (select emp.*,w.salary from emp left join work w on emp.eid = w.eid)
select * from wd,em where wd.did =em.did and wd.平均工资>em.salary;
------解决方案-------------------- with wd as (select did,arg(salary) 平均工资 from work group by did), em as (select emp.*,w.salary from emp left join work w on emp.eid = w.eid)
select * from wd,em where wd.did =em.did and wd.平均工资>em.salary;