日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21100 次

oracle升级后实例不能自动启动? upto后数据库实例的服务设为自动的但是实例仍然必须手动STARTUP,请教高人如何让它自动开启。

I had the same problem of the database not mounting and opening after a reboot with Oracle 10g. I finally figured out the problem and solution. 

The startup of the database requires access to the pfile. I choose not to have the pfile in the default location under the Oracle Home. Therefore although the service OracleServiceSID started, it could not auto start the database. 

You can specify an alternate location for the pfile when creating the service. 

Oradim -new -sid SID -startmode auto -pfile C:\mypath\InitSID.ora 

To correct the problem I had to tell the service where my pfile is. That is done in the registry at LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Oracle/KEY_OraDb10g_home1. I had to create a string registry value called ORA_SID_PFILE, where SID is my Oracle SID. The value of the registry setting is the full path of pfile. 



I had the same problem of the database not mounting and opening after a reboot with Oracle 10g. I finally figured out the problem and solution.

The startup of the database requires access to the pfile. I choose not to have the pfile in the default location under the Oracle Home. Therefore although the service OracleServiceSID started, it could not auto start the database.

You can specify an alternate location for the pfile when creating the service.

Oradim -new -sid SID -startmode auto -pfile C:\mypath\InitSID.ora

To correct the problem I had to tell the service where my pfile is. That is done in the registry at LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Oracle/KEY_OraDb10g_home1. I had to create a string registry value called ORA_SID_PFILE, where SID is my Oracle SID. The value of the registry setting is the full path of pfile.




需要运行Database Upgrade Assistant升级所有已安装的实例