Your database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode. After which two operations you should take the backup of control file ?
(Choose two.)
A.adding a new user to the database
B.dropping a user from the database
C.dropping a table from the database
D.dropping a data file from a tablespace
E.adding a new tablespace to the database
Answer : D , E
难道ABC三个选项的操作就不会在CTR FILES里标记吗?
add user, drop user, drop table都不具备事务性。这些操作的完成,都在已有的表空间(system, user等)一次性完成,控制文件并不需要读载额外的信息。
而data file及tablespace的删除与添加则不一样,control文件要记载每个数据文件及tablespace中的SCN号,多了或者少了,都会出问题。