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Oracle Migration Workbench 中的插件应该放到哪个文件夹下?


Posts: 2
From: hyderabad
Registered: 5/24/06
how to work with workbench
Posted: Sep 14, 2006 4:18 AM Reply

hi friends, i 'm very new to migration work bench. i just downloaded the software.
omwb[1].zip file was saved on my desktop.i dont know how to install and how to start with this tool.please provide me your great guidence.


Posts: 182
Registered: 1/12/01
Re: how to work with workbench
Posted: Sep 14, 2006 11:46 AM in response to: sunsanvin Reply


Full details are in the instructions included with the tool when you unzip copy in the plugin and click on omwb.bat

Download the plugin for the database you want to migrate (the plugin is a java jar file containing the compiled java code, we do it this way largely so we can track per database downloads)

unzip the zipped file and place the plugin in the plugins directory.

Sometimes say for mysql or informix a jdbc driver file is required from the vendor, for Microsoft databases this is not required.

double click on omwb.bat to start the program.

assuming you are migrating Microsoft sql server the following outlines the procedure:

1/Say where you want to store the work in progress ( 'repository ') internally or in an oracle database.
2/Put in the details to log in to the sql server database, it will then
3/Extract the structure of the database 'Source Model ' which is viewable in a tree.
4/Create the 'Oracle Model ' which is viewable in a tree.
4/The Oracle database can be created using the oracle model

There are a few options such as offline capture and offline data moving, and creating the script to build the oracle database rather than creating the oracle database directly.
The main issues are:
1/You need sa/dbo access to sql server (or someone to run some selects/scripts for you as sa/dbo).
2/Stored procedure conversion for advanced features is not complete so for example you need to convert sql server sp_ stored procedure calls to the oracle equivalent.

Basically it is easy to start working with the the tool, you may want to start with a smaller project/test database ( 'pubs ') to get familiar with the tool.


Oracle Migration Workbench Team


Posts: 419
From: Dublin, Ireland
Registered: 1/10/01
Re: MS-sql to Oracle 9i Migration
Posted: Jun 2, 2006 8:00 AM in response to: sadique.mohamed Reply

The Workbench uses an underlying repository, so all the choices you make are saved. However the primary usage of the tool, is one off migration, not continous migration. If you want to rerun multiple times, you should probably generate the offline schema and data migration scripts.

# Oracle Database Migration Verifier Properties File for
# Microsoft SQL Server 2000
# Developers Release 1.0.0
# File Name: dbinfoss2k.