sql语句优化 select dn, node, (select sum(a.clear_during) from al_history a where a.org_no = 65396 and a.dn = t.dn and a.node = t.node) as Mains, (select sum(b.clear_during) from al_history b where b.org_no = 65397 and b.dn = t.dn and b.node = t.node) as DG, (select sum(c.clear_during) from al_history c where c.org_no = 65398 and c.dn = t.dn and c.node = t.node) as Battery from al_history t where (org_no = 65396) or (org_no = 65397) or (org_no = 65398) group by t.dn, t.node