100分求助OCA题目解答(十五)。 You suspect that in one of your applications the customer table is being accessed by some unauthorized users. Which option would you use to monitor the queries being executed on the customer table? A. Monitor the alert.logfile B. Enable server-side SQL tracing for user sessions C.Enable fine-grained auditing for the customer table D.Enable Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) for the customer table E.Write a database trigger on the customer table on the SELECT event
A. Monitor the alert.logfile B. Enable server-side SQL tracing for user sessions C.Enable fine-grained auditing for the customer table --监视日志文件、使用跟踪会话、审计用户表,均为事后诸葛亮,不能有效地阻止别人的误操作或使坏。
E.Write a database trigger on the customer table on the SELECT event --insert、update、delete才使用trigger,select是不行的。
D.Enable Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) for the customer table --关键是Access Control,如网上银行的三次密码出错当日锁定,取大量现金的报警系统等。