日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20945 次
-- 方法有2: -- 1:用minus select a.aid, a.aname, a.adate, a.atotal from a minus select b.aid, b.aname, b.adate, b.atotal from b; -- 2: 用not exists select a.aid, a.aname, a.adate, a.atotal from a where not exists (select 1 from b where b.aid=a.aid and b.aname=a.aname and b.adate=a.adate and b.atotal=a.atotal );
select * from a where (aid,adate) in(
select a.aid, a.adate
from a
select b.aid,b.adate
from b);
select a.aid, a.aname, a.adate, a.atotal from a where a.aid not in(select b.aid from b where b.aid=a.aid and b.aname=a.aname and b.adate=a.adate and b.atotal=a.atotal );
习惯用not exists