日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20930 次
with t as ( SELECT '1001' itm_no, '0' supitm_no, 0 amt1, 0 amt2, 0 amt3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100101', '1001', 0, 0, 0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100101001', '100101', 2, 5, 3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100101002', '100101', 1, 5, 2 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100102', '1001', 0, 0, 0 FROM DUAL ) select t2.*, (select sum(amt1) from t start with t.itm_no = t2.itm_no connect by t.supitm_no = prior t.itm_no) amt1, (select sum(amt2) from t start with t.itm_no = t2.itm_no connect by t.supitm_no = prior t.itm_no) amt2, (select sum(amt3) from t start with t.itm_no = t2.itm_no connect by t.supitm_no = prior t.itm_no) amt3 from t t2;
with t as ( SELECT '1001' itm_no, '0' supitm_no, 0 amt1, 0 amt2, 0 amt3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100101', '1001', 0, 0, 0 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100101001', '100101', 2, 5, 3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100101002', '100101', 1, 5, 2 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT '100102', '1001', 0, 0, 0 FROM DUAL ) select t2.itm_no, sum(t1.amt1), sum(t1.amt2), sum(t1.amt3) from t t1, t t2 where t1.itm_no in (select itm_no from t start with t.itm_no = t2.itm_no connect by t.supitm_no = prior t.itm_no) group by t2.itm_no ;
with t as ( select 1001 id,0 subid,0 amt1,0 amt2,0 amt3 from dual union all select 100101,1001,0,0,0 from dual union all select 100101001,100101,2,5,3 from dual union all select 100101002,100101,1,5,2 from dual union all select 100102,1001,0,0,0 from dual ) select t.id,t.subid,nvl(tt.a1,0) amt1,nvl(tt.a2,0) amt2,nvl(tt.a3,0) amt3 from ( select t1.id,sum(t2.amt1) a1,sum(t2.amt2) a2,sum(t2.amt3) a3 from t t1,t t2 where t1.id=t2.subid group by t1.id) tt,t where tt.id(+)=t.id order by 1