高分请教高手,在oracle中 sql转hql
Java code
select tt.date1, count(tt.id)
from (select t.user_id id,
to_char(t.login_time, 'yyyy-mm') date1
from v2_user_login_log t
group by to_char(t.login_time, 'yyyy-mm'), t.user_id
having count(*) > 5) tt
group by date1
order by date1 desc
<!-- 查询统计数据:属性值 -->
<select id="getStatisticsDataByOrgIndprocode2" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="dataViewMap">
select * from
where indCode = #{indCode} and RangeMinDate >= to_date(#{beginDate},'yyyymmdd') and RangeMinDate <= to_date(#{endDate} ,'yyyymmdd')
<if test="indProCode != null"> and IndProCode=#{indProCode}</if>
<if test="province != null"> and Province =#{province}</if>
<if test="cityp != null"> and Cityp =#{cityp}</if>
<if test="region != null"> and Region =#{region}</if>
<if test="orgCode != null"> and OrgCode =#{orgCode}</if>
<if test="deptCode != null"> and DeptCode =#{deptCode}</if>
) ${pivotClause}
SQL code
select tt.date1, count(tt.id)
from (select t.user_id id,
SUBSTR(t.login_time,1,7) date1
from v2_user_login_log t
group by SUBSTR(t.login_time,1,7), t.user_id
having count(*) > 5) tt
group by date1
order by date1 desc