SQL语句调优 select round(decode(sum(te1+te2),0,0,sum(te1)/sum(te1+te2)*100),2),ny from sg t where data in (select distinct t1.data from kj t1,hl t2 where t1.data =t2.data and qy='dba' and jb='l' and t1.hsj='qj' or t1.fdf='ju') and ny between 200902 and 201106 group by ny
where t1.data =t2.data and qy='dba' and jb='l' and t1.hsj='qj' or t1.fdf='ju' 红色部分要不要加括号呀?感觉怪怪的
------解决方案-------------------- 试试用minus 来减少in 的结果集,in 是查询出2个结果集交集的部分,如果非交集部分比交集部分少很多,可以用minus将2个select的结果集去掉交集部分,得到非交集部分,再用not in 提高效率。不知道对你有用么
SQL code
select round(decode(sum(te1 + te2), 0, 0, sum(te1) / sum(te1 + te2) * 100),
from sg t
where data not in (select data
from sg
select distinct t1.data
from kj t1, hl t2
where t1.data = t2.data
and qy = 'dba'
and jb = 'l'
and t1.hsj = 'qj'
or t1.fdf = 'ju')
and ny between 200902 and 201106
group by ny
------解决方案-------------------- 这个语句有些问题
select round(decode(sum(te1+te2),0,0,sum(te1)/sum(te1+te2)*100),2),ny from sg t where data in (select distinct t1.data from kj t1,hl t2 where t1.data =t2.data and qy='dba' and jb='l' and t1.hsj='qj' or t1.fdf='ju') and ny between 200902 and 201106 group by ny 1、红色标记:and和or并行用,只有and有效。这里你可能写出了一个逻辑错误,这回导致inlist列表很大。会影响性能 2、黄色 inlins 不用 distince排序。