日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:21158 次
select (select count(*) from userhistory where userid = userinfo.userid) count1, (select count(*) from (select * from userhistory where userid = userinfo.userid) start with starttime in (select starttime from userinfo where userid = userinfo.userid) connect by prior endtime + 1 = starttime) count2, userinfo.userid from (select distinct userid from userinfo) userinfo
with userhistory as ( select 25 userid,date'2012-04-01' starttime,date'2012-06-30' endtime from dual union all select 25 userid,date'2012-07-01' starttime,date'2012-08-30' endtime from dual union all select 25 userid,date'2012-07-01' starttime,date'9999-09-09' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2008-04-10' starttime,date'2008-06-30' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2008-07-01' starttime,date'2008-07-31' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2008-09-01' starttime,date'2008-09-30' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2008-10-01' starttime,date'2008-12-31' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2009-01-01' starttime,date'2009-06-30' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2009-07-01' starttime,date'2009-07-31' endtime from dual union all select 34 userid,date'2009-10-01' starttime,date'2009-12-31' endtime from dual ) select t1.userid,t1.starttime,t1.endtime from (select rownum rn,a.* from userhistory a) t1, ( select rn,userid,starttime,endtime from ( select rownum rn,userid,starttime,endtime,lag(endtime) over(partition by userid order by rownum) t_time from userhistory ) where starttime-t_time<>1 ) t2 where t1.rn=t2.rn or t1.rn+1 = t2.rn order by t1.userid,t1.starttime userid starttime endtime ---------------------------------------------- 1 25 2012/7/1 2012/8/30 2 25 2012/7/1 9999/9/9 3 34 2008/7/1 2008/7/31 4 34 2008/9/1 2008/9/30 5 34 2009/7/1 2009/7/31 6 34 2009/10/1 2009/12/31