日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20893 次


If you are running in Archivelog mode
1. mount the database - startup mount
2. drop the datafile - alter database datafile xxx offline
(Note: the datafile is still part of the database and is marked only as offline in the controlfile. Just make sure you don 't use the same data file name again)

3. Remove the physical data file at OS level
4. open the database - alter database open
5. At the right time, you can
export the objects belong to this tablespace,
drop the tablespace,
create back the tablespace with appropriate datafiles and
import the objects back.

did you drop the datafile ?
use ALTER DATABASE RECOVER to recover and make sure you dropped the datafile before removing it
if you can open the database after you restored the file, you did not drop the file.
这句改成: alter database datafile xxx offline drop 试试?