win2003服务器,oracle 9i。
现在,同一网段内部分机器可以完全正常的连接上服务器,部分机器连接时出现12535错误,但出现错误的机器可以在资源管理器中看到oracle服务器和copy文件,也可以与网络上其他服务器进行sql server连接,还曾经与oracle服务器连上过一阵子,已排除了防火墙原因,有人怀疑是网络线路有小问题,大家给诊断一下。
------解决方案--------------------tnsping instance_name
------解决方案--------------------TNS-12535 TNS:operation timed out
Cause: The requested connection could not be completed within the timeout period specified by the CONNECT_TIMEOUT parameter in LISTENER.ORA. This error arises from the TNSLSNR.
Action: Either reconfigure CONNECT_TIMEOUT to be 0, which means wait indefinitely, or reconfigure CONNECT_TIMEOUT to be some higher value. Or, if the timeout is unacceptably long, turn on tracing for further information.