PHP 5.2.13 正式发布,修复之前30多个BUG.
PHP是一种新型的CGI程序编写言语,易学易用,运转速度快,可以方便快捷地编写出功用强大,运转速度快,并可同时运转于 Windows、Unix、Linux平台的Web后台程序, 内置了对文件上传、密码认证、Cookies操作、邮件收发、动态GIF生成等功用,PHP 直接为很多数据库提供本来的连接,包括Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、Mysql、Informix、Dbase、Solid、 Access等,完全支持ODBC接口,用户改换平台时,无需变换PHP代码,可即拿即用. (源码) (二进制包)
Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.13:
- Fixed safe_mode validation inside tempnam() when the directory path does not end with a /). (Martin Jansen)
- Fixed a possible open_basedir/safe_mode bypass in the session extension identified by Grzegorz Stachowiak. (Ilia)
- Improved LCG entropy. (Rasmus, Samy Kamkar)
Key enhancements in PHP 5.2.13 include:
- Fixed bug #50940 Custom content-length set incorrectly in Apache sapis. (Brian France, Rasmus)
- Fixed bug #50847 (strip_tags() removes all tags greater then 1023 bytes long). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #50661 (DOMDocument::loadXML does not allow UTF-16). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #50632 (filter_input() does not return default value if the variable does not exist). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #50540 (Crash while running ldap_next_reference test cases). (Sriram)
- Fixed bug #49851 (http wrapper breaks on 1024 char long headers). (Ilia)
- Over 30 other bug fixes.