日期:2010-12-20 浏览次数:20488 次
上个月,我们简单地了解了ADOdb中,如何进行SELECT、INSERT和UPDATE的操作。如果你在ADOdb上是个新手,我建议先读一下那篇文章。 ADOdb 还有很多更高级的特征,这个月,我们就一起来关注其中的部分内容。
include("$adodb_path/db_values.inc.php"); include("$adodb_path/adodb.inc.php"); $db = NewADOConnection('$database_type'); $db->Connect("$host", "$user", "$password", "employees"); $ADODB_CACHE_DIR = "/var/tmp/adodb_cache"; //Directory to store cached files $sql = "SELECT surname, age FROM employees"; $rs = &$db->CacheExecute(600,$sql); // Executes, and caches the results for 600 seconds if (!$rs) { print $db->ErrorMsg(); // Displays the error message if no results could be returned } else { while (!$rs->EOF) { print $rs->fields[0].' '.$rs->fields[1].'<BR>'; // fields[0] is surname, fields[1] is age $rs->MoveNext(); // Moves to the next row } // end while } // end else |
$sql = "SELECT surname, age FROM employees"; $rs = &$db->CacheExecute(600,$sql); // Executes, and caches the results for 600 seconds print $rs->RecordCount() . " rows returned]"; // Display number of rows returned |
$sql = "SELECT surname, age FROM employees"; $rs = &$db->CacheExecute(600,$sql); // Executes, and caches the results for 600 seconds print $rs->FieldCount() . " columns returned]"; // Display number of rows returned |
$sql = "SELECT surname, age FROM employees"; $rs = &$db->SelectLimit($sql, 10, 100); // Select 10 rows, starting at row 100 if (!$rs) { print $db->ErrorMsg(); // Displays the error message if no results could be returned } else { while (!$rs->EOF) { print $rs->fields[0].' '.$rs->fields[1].'<BR>'; // f
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