日期:2011-02-11  浏览次数:20392 次

AuthName directive
Syntax: AuthName auth-domain
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: core
This directive sets the name of the authorization realm for a directory. This realm is given to the client so that the user knows which username and password to send. AuthName takes a single argument; if the realm name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. It must be accompanied by AuthType and require directives, and directives such as AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile to work.


AuthType directive
Syntax: AuthType type
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: core
This directive selects the type of user authentication for a directory. Only Basic and Digest are currently implemented. It must be accompanied by AuthName and require directives, and directives such as AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile to work.


BindAddress directive
Syntax: BindAddress saddr
Default: BindAddress *
Context: server config
Status: core
A Unix® http server can either listen for connections to every IP address of the server machine, or just one IP address of the server machine. Saddr can be

An IP address
A fully-qualified Internet domain name
If the value is *, then the server will listen for connections on every IP address, otherwise it will only listen on the IP address specified.
Only one BindAddress directive can be used. For more control over which address and ports Apache listens to, use the Listen directive instead of BindAddress.

BindAddress can be used as an alternative method for supporting virtual hosts using multiple independent servers, instead of using <VirtualHost> sections.

See Also: DNS Issues
See Also: Setting which addresses and ports Apache uses


BS2000Account directive
Syntax: BS2000Account account
Default: none
Context: server config
Status: core
Compatibility: BS2000Account is only available for BS2000 machines, as of Apache 1.3 and later.
The BS2000Account directive is available for BS2000 hosts only. It must be used to define the account number for the non-privileged apache server user (which was configured using the User directive). This is required by the BS2000 POSIX subsystem (to change the underlying BS2000 task environment by performing a sub-LOGON) to prevent CGI scripts from accessing resources of the privileged account which started the server, usually SYSROOT.
Only one BS2000Account directive can be used.

See Also: Apache EBCDIC port


ClearModuleList directive
Syntax: ClearModuleList
Context: server config
Status: core
Compatibility: ClearModuleList is only available in Apache 1.2 and later
The server comes with a built-in list of active modules. This directive clears the list. It is assumed that the list will then be re-populated using the AddModule directive.
