日期:2011-05-17 浏览次数:20502 次
<?PHP class Room { public $name; function __construct($name="unnamed") { $this->name = $name; } } class House { //array of rooms public $room; } //create empty house $home = new house; //add some rooms $home->room[] = new Room("bedroom"); $home->room[] = new Room("kitchen"); $home->room[] = new Room("bathroom"); //show the first room of the house print($home->room[0]->name); ?>
<?PHP class Animal //动物 { public $blood; //热血or冷血属性 public $name; public function __construct($blood, $name=NULL) { $this->blood = $blood; if($name) { $this->name = $name; } } } class Mammal extends Animal //哺乳动物 { public $furColor; //皮毛颜色 public $legs; function __construct($furColor, $legs, $name=NULL) { parent::__construct("warm", $name); $this->furColor = $furColor; $this->legs = $legs; } } class Dog extends Mammal { function __construct($furColor, $name) { parent::__construct($furColor, 4, $name); self::bark(); } function bark() { print("$this->name says 'woof!'"); } } $d = new Dog("Black and Tan", "Angus"); ?>