日期:2011-06-28  浏览次数:20583 次

1. interface_exists、class_exists、method_exists和property_exists:
bool interface_exists (string $interface_name [, bool $autoload = true ]) 判断接口是否存在,第二个参数表示在查找时是否执行__autoload。
bool class_exists (string $class_name [, bool $autoload = true ]) 判断类是否存在,第二个参数表示在查找时是否执行__autoload。
bool method_exists (mixed $object , string $method_name) 判断指定类或者对象中是否含有指定的成员函数。
bool property_exists (mixed $class , string $property) 判断指定类或者对象中是否含有指定的成员变量。
//in another_test_class.php
interface AnotherTestInterface {
class AnotherTestClass {
    public static function printMe() {
        print "This is Test2::printSelf.\n";
    public function doSomething() {
        print "This is Test2::doSomething.\n";
    public function doSomethingWithArgs($arg1, $arg2) {
        print 'This is Test2::doSomethingWithArgs with ($arg1 = '.$arg1.' and $arg2 = '.$arg2.").\n";
//in class_exist_test.php, 下面测试代码中所需的类和接口位于another_test_class.php,
function __autoload($classname) {
    $nomilizedClassname = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)/','${1}_${2}_${3}',$classname));
    require strtolower($nomilizedClassname).".php";
//spl_autoload_register(function($classname) {
//    $nomilizedClassname = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)([A-Z]\w*)/','${1}_${2}_${3}',$classname));
//    require strtolower($nomilizedClassname).".php";
print "The following case is tested before executing autoload.\n";
if (!class_exists('AnotherTestClass',false)) {
    print "This class doesn't exist if no autoload.\n";
if (!interface_exists('AnotherTestInterface',false)) {
    print "This interface doesn't exist if no autoload.\n";
print "\nThe following case is tested after executing autoload.\n";
if (class_exists('AnotherTestClass',true)) {
    print "This class exists if autoload is set to true.\n";
if (interface_exists('AnotherTestInterface',true)) {
    print "This interface exists if autoload is set to true.\n";
bogon:TestPhp$ php class_exist_test.php 
The following case is tested before executing autoload.
This class doesn't exist if no autoload.
This interface doesn't exist if no autoload.
The following case is tested after executing autoload.
This class exists if autoload is set to true.
2. get_declared_classes和get_declared_interfaces: 