日期:2011-07-17 浏览次数:20973 次
<?php class Settings { var $_settings = array (); function get($var) { $var = explode ( '.', $var ); $result = $this->_settings; foreach ( $var as $key ) { if (! isset ( $result [$key] )) { return false; } $result = $result [$key]; } return $result; } function load() { trigger_error ( 'Not yet implemented', E_USER_ERROR ); } } class Settings_PHP extends Settings { function load($file) { if (file_exists ( $file ) == false) { return false; } // Include file include ($file); unset ( $file ); // Get declared variables $vars = get_defined_vars (); // Add to settings array foreach ( $vars as $key => $val ) { if ($key == 'this') continue; $this->_settings [$key] = $val; } } } class Settings_INI extends Settings { function load($file) { if (file_exists ( $file ) == false) { return false; } $this->_settings = parse_ini_file ( $file, true ); } } class Settings_YAML extends Settings { function load($file) { if (file_exists ( $file ) == false) { return false; } include ('spyc.php'); $this->_settings = Spyc::YAMLLoad ( $file ); } } class Settings_XML extends Settings { function load($file) { if (file_exists ( $file ) == false) { return false; } include ('xmllib.php'); $xml = file_get_contents ( $file ); $data = XML_unserialize ( $xml ); $this->_settings = $data ['settings']; } } ?> php /** * 针对PHP的配置,如有配置文件 *config.php <?php $db = array(); // Enter your database name here: $db['name'] = 'test'; // Enter the hostname of your MySQL server: $db['host'] = 'localhost'; ?> //具体调用: include ('settings.php'); //原始环境假设每个类为单独的一个类名.php文件 // Load settings (PHP) $settings = new Settings_PHP; $settings->load('config.php'); echo 'PHP: ' . $settings->get('db.host') . ''; * */ 读取INI文件,主要用到parser_ini_file函数,该函数返回一个数组,如第二个参数为true时则返回多维数组 /** * ini例子:config.ini * [db] name = test host = localhost //调用例子: $settings = new Settings_INI; $settings->load('config.ini'); echo 'INI: ' . $settings->get('db.host') . ''; */ 读取XML文件,需要用到XML_PARSER,xmllib.php在http://hudeyong926.iteye.com/admin/blogs/836048 /** * XML例子:config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <settings> <db> <name>test</name> <host>localhost</host> </db> </settings> // Load settings (XML) $settings = New Settings_XML; $settings->load('config.xml'); echo 'XML: ' . $settings->get('db.host') . ''; * */ 读取YAML格式文件,使用YAML必须使用到SPYC这个库,相关链接在http://spyc.sourceforge.net/ /** YAML配置例子:config.yaml db: name: test host: localhost // Load settings (YAML) $settings = New Settings_YAML; $settings->load('config.yaml'); echo 'YAML: ' . $settings->get('db.host') . ''; */ 1。ini有点过时?? 2。xml比较好, 3。yaml很好,但是毕竟没有标准化。 4。txt要自己组织格式,开放性不好。 5。类序列化。比较好,但是不熟悉的人使用比较麻烦! 6。php定义常量(你不用修改数据吗?) 所以:xml最好。