日期:2011-07-18  浏览次数:20603 次


    //ten minute
    var_dump("check task, please don't close");
    //send email
    //process inventory state

//read table data from database
  function processDBData($db)
    $testplan_id = '';
    $temp = '';
    $TotalCaseNum = 0;
    $projectName = '';
    //check finished testplan table->tasks
    $sql="SELECT TK.id,TK.send_email,TK.user_id,TK.build_id,TK.case_ids,TK.testplan_id,TK.flag,TK.total
    from tasks AS TK WHERE current=total and flag='2' and ISNULL(send_email)";
    $controlInfor = $db->get_recordset($sql);
    if(null== $controlInfor)

    foreach($controlInfor as $key =>$item)
      //open model html
      $fModel = fopen("report.model","r");
      if(null == $fModel)
        var_dump("no model");
      $Modelhandle = fread($fModel,filesize("report.model"));
      $test_cases = $item['case_ids'];
      //get total Num
      $TotalCaseNum = (int)$item['total'];

      //testplan table->testplan
      //$sql = "SELECT notes,testproject_id FROM testplans WHERE id='{$item['testplan_id']}'";
      $sql = "SELECT name from nodes_hierarchy WHERE id='{$item['testplan_id']}'";
      $result = $db->get_recordset($sql);
      $temp = str_replace("MODEL_TESLPLANE",$result[0]['name'],$Modelhandle);
      $Modelhandle = $temp;
      //product table->testprojects
      $sql = "SELECT notes FROM testprojects WHERE id='{$result[0]['testproject_id']}'";
      $result = $db->get_recordset($sql);
      $temp = str_replace("MODEL_PRODUCTNAME",$result[0]['notes'],$Modelhandle);
      $Modelhandle = $temp;
      //build table->builds