日期:2012-11-19 浏览次数:20654 次
MySQL, ODBC, FTP, Calendar, BCMath, COM, PCRE, Session, WDDX and XML support is *built-in*.
You don't need to load any additional extensions in order to use these functions.
Installtion instructions
1. Stop the Apache Webserver.
停止 Apache 服务器
Edit the httpd.conf and put in these lines, modified to your environment:
编辑 http.conf 加上这些行,更改你的环境
2. Unzip the Package to c:php, now move php4ts.dll to the windows/system(32) directory, overwritte any older file!
展开压缩包到 c:php, 把 php4ts.dll 移动到 windows/system(32)目录下面,覆盖任何老的文件
# for the apache module
用于 apache 模块方式
LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
#for the c