日期:2012-12-19  浏览次数:20635 次


<?php // -*- C++ -*-
* $Id: db-oci8.phl,v 1.2 1998/10/01
19:16:06 ssb Exp $

$db_error_code = 0;
$db_error_msg = false;
$db_error_source = false;

* Database specific notes:
* - You must configure Oracle listener to use this abstraction layer.

* @function db_connect
* @purpose Connect to a database
* @desc
* Connects to a database and returns and identifier for the connection.
* @arg database
* Data source name or database host to connect to.

* @arg user
* Name of user to connect as.

* @arg password
* The user's password.
function db_connect($database, $user, $password)
$ret = @OCILogon($user, $password, $database);
return $ret;

* Function: db_query
* Arguments: $conn (int) - connection identifier
* $query (string) - SQL statement to execute
* Description: executes an SQL statement
* Returns: false - query failed
* integer - query succeeded, value is result handle
function db_query($conn, $query)
$stmt = @OCIParse($conn, $query);
if (!$stmt) {
return false;
if (@OCIExecute($stmt)) {
return $stmt;
return false;

* Function: db_fetch_row
* Arguments: $stmt (int) - result identifier
* Description: Returns an array containing data from a fetched row.
* Returns: false - error
* (array) - returned row, first column at index 0
function db_fetch_row($stmt)
$cols = @OCIFetchInto($stmt, &$row);
if (!$cols) {
return false;
return $row;

* Function: db_free_result
* Arguments: $stmt (int) - result identifier
* Description: Frees all memory associated with a result identifier.
* Returns: false - failure
* true - success
function db_free_result(<