日期:2013-02-20  浏览次数:20570 次

class DB_Sql {
var $Debug = false;
var $Home = "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.0.4";
var $Remote = 1;
/* This Query will be sent directly after the first connection
var $ConnectQuery="ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_language=german nls_date_format='DD.MM.RRRR'";
-> Set the date format for this session, this is fine when your ora-role
cannot be altered */
var $ConnectQuery='';
/* Due to a strange error with Oracle 8.0.5, Apache and PHP3.0.6
you don't need to set the ENV - on my system Apache
will change to a zombie, if I don't set this to FALSE!
Instead I set these ENV-vars before the startup of apache.
If unsure try it out, if it works. */
var $OraPutEnv = true;

var $Database = "";
var $User = "";
var $Password = "";

var $Link_ID = 0;
var $Query_ID = 0;
var $Record = array();
var $Row;

var $Errno = 0;
var $Error = "";
var $ora_no_next_fetch=false;

/* copied from db_mysql for completeness */
/* public: identification constant. never change this. */
var $type = "oracle";
var $revision = "Revision: 1.3";
var $Halt_On_Error = "yes"; ## "yes" (halt with message), "no" (ignore errors quietly), "report" (ignore errror, but spit a warning)

/* public: constructor */
function DB_Sql($query = "") {

/* public: some trivial reporting */
function link_id() {
return $this->Link_ID;

function query_id() {
return $this->Query_ID;

function connect() {
## see above why we do this
if ($this->OraPutEnv) {
if ( 0 == $this->Link_ID ) {
if($this->Debug) {
printf("<br>Connect()ing to $this->Database...<br>n");
if($this->Remote) {
if($this->Debug) {
printf("<br>connect() $this->User/******@$this->Database<br>n");
/************** (comment by SSilk)
this dosn't work on my system:
} else {
if($this->Debug) {
printf("<br>connect() $this->User, $this->Password <br>n");
/* (comment by SSilk: don't know how this could work, but I leave this untouched!) */
if($this->Debug) {
printf("<br>connect() Link_ID: $this->Link_ID<br>n");
if (!$this->Link_ID) {
$this->halt("connect() Link-ID == false " .
"($this->Link_ID), ora_plogon failed");
} else {
//echo "commit on<p>";
if($this->Debug) {
printf("<br>connect() Obtained the Link_ID: $this->Link_ID<br>n");
## Execute Connect Query
if ($this->ConnectQuery) {

## In order to increase the # of cursors per system/user go edit the
## init.ora file and increase the max_open_cursors parameter. Yours is on
## the default value, 100 per user.
## We tried to change the behaviour of query() in a way, that it tries
## to safe cursors, but on the other side be carefull with this, that you
## don't use an old result.
## You can also make extensive use of ->disconnect()!
## The unused QueryIDs will be recycled sometimes.  

function query($Query_String)  

/* No empty query please. */ <