日期:2013-07-01  浏览次数:20438 次

** Title.........: PHP4 HTTP Compression Speeds up the Web
** Version.......: 1.10
** Author........: catoc <catoc@163.net>
** Filename......: gzdoc.php
** Last changed..: 25/08/2000
** Requirments...: PHP4 >= 4.0.1
**                 PHP was configured with --with-zlib[=DIR]
** Notes.........: Dynamic Content Acceleration compresses
**                 the data transmission data on the fly
**                 code by sun jin hu (catoc) <catoc@163.net>
**                 Most newer browsers since 1998/1999 have
**                 been equipped to support the HTTP 1.1
**                 standard known as "content-encoding."
**                 Essentially the browser indicates to the
**                 server that it can accept "content encoding"
**                 and if the server is capable it will then
**                 compress the data and transmit it. The
**                 browser decompresses it and then renders
**                 the page.
** Useage........:
**                 No space before the beginning of the first '<?' tag.
**                 ------------Start of file----------
**                 |<?
**                 | include('gzdoc.php');
**                 | print "Start output !!";
**                 |?>
**                 |<HTML>
**                 |... the page ...
**                 |</HTML>
**                 |<?
**                 | gzdocout();
**                 |?>
**                 -------------End of file-----------