日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20568 次
Making directory /usr/local/phlinux...
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/phlinux': File exists
Copying data...
Runing phlinux for first configuration...
Peanuthull Linux-core 1.0 by oray.net, copyright 2005
No user configuration found, entering interactive mode automatically!
Peanuthull Linux-core Interactive startup.
Please input service address(press ENTER use phservice2.oray.net):
Note: Server address will automatically be retrieved by webservice!
this is just a backup address while you cannot connect webservice.
Please input server address(press ENTER use PH031.Oray.Net): phservice2.oray.net
Please input username(press ENTER use ): Og192
Please input password:
Save to configuration file (/etc/phlinux.conf)?(yes/no): yes
Log /var/log/phlinux.log opened.
2012/11/27 16:07:52.730| Init phservice2.oray.net with user Og192/******
2012/11/27 16:07:53.492| Initservice OK!
2012/11/27 16:07:53.492| Soapinvoke begined with url: /userinfo.asmx/GetMiscInfo
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: GetMiscInfoResponse, , PID: -1
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: GetMiscInfoResult, 0, PID: 0
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: misc, , PID: 0
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: LastClientVersion,, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: PHDownLoadPageUrl, http://www.oray.cn/peanuthull/down/PeanutHull5.0.1_Setup.exe, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: ClientIP,, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: PHServer, PhLinux3.Oray.Net, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: ADPageUrl, Http://www.oray.cn/, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: PeanutBaPageUrl, Http://www.oray.cn/, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.794| RESULT_NODE: NoticePageUrl, Http://www.oray.cn/, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.795| RESULT_NODE: UserType, 0, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.795| RESULT_NODE: EnableCnChildAdd, 0, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.795| RESULT_NODE: CnAddChildPrompt, 由于域名管理机构的原因,中文子域名还不能支持域名解析, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.795| RESULT_NODE: DomainQueryUrl, http://goto.oray.net/domain/ph31.php, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:57.795| RESULT_NODE: WebServiceVersion, 3.0.0, PID: 2
2012/11/27 16:07:58.139| ExecuteUpdate Connecting PhLinux3.Oray.Net.
2012/11/27 16:07:58.981| SEND AUTH REQUEST COMMAND...2012/11/27 16:07:58.982| OK.
2012/11/27 16:07:59.146| SERVER SIDE KEY "334 3iFZJXU/6XS0UH7XqS/kDg==" RECEIVED.
2012/11/27 16:07:59.146| SEND AUTH DATA...2012/11/27 16:07:59.146| OK
2012/11/27 16:07:59.357| ExecuteUpdate domain "og192.oicp.net"
2012/11/27 16:07:59.357| ExecuteUpdate domain "."