日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20514 次
<?php require_once("PKCS5.php"); require_once("AESKey.php"); require_once("ECBMode.php"); require_once("Hex.php"); class Aes { private $_pad;//填充方式 private $_mode;//加密类 /** * 构造函数 * @param base64keyString 密钥base64编码字符串 */ public function Aes($base64keyString) { $this->_pad = new PKCS5(); //为了与java保持一致,所以采用PKCS5填充 $key = Hex::string2ByteArray(base64_decode($base64keyString)); $this->_mode = new ECBMode(new AESKey($key), $this->_pad); $this->_pad->setBlockSize($this->_mode->getBlockSize()); } /** * 将明文加密为密文base64编码字符串 * @param plainSrc 明文 * @return 密文base64编码 */ public function encrypt($plainSrc) { $src = Hex::string2ByteArray($plainSrc); $src = $this->_mode->encrypt($src); return base64_encode(Hex::ByteArray2String($src)); } /** * 将base64编码字符串(密文)解密成 明文 * @param base64Src 密文base64编码字符串 * @return 明文 */ public function decrypt($base64Src) { $src = base64_decode($base64Src); $src = $this->_mode->decrypt(Hex::string2ByteArray($src)); return Hex::byteArray2String($src); } /** * 释放内存 */ public function dispose() { $this->_mode->dispose(); } } //var_dump(Hex::string2ByteArray(base64_decode("MK2X82eL6jkKbzvlJU1ZMR6rcKO+SBhmbPOmFD/2Mxw="))); $_aes = new Aes("MK2X82eL6jkKbzvlJU1ZMR6rcKO+SBhmbPOmFD/2Mxw="); //echo "=================<br>"; $ret = $_aes->encrypt("1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdefaaafdsfsdffasfasfasfasdf"); echo $ret; var_dump($_aes->decrypt($ret)); ?>
<?php require_once("IPad.php"); class PKCS5 implements IPad { private $blockSize = 0; public function PKCS5($blockSize=0) { $this->blockSize = $blockSize; } public function pad($a) { $c = $this->blockSize-count($a)%$this->blockSize; for ($i=0;$i<$c;++$i){ $a[] = $c; } return $a; } public function unpad($a) { $len = count($a); $c = $len % $this->blockSize; if ($c!=0) throw new Exception("PKCS#5::unpad: ByteArray.length isn't a multiple of the blockSize"); $c = $a[$len-1]; array_splice($a,$len-$c,$c); return $a; } public function setBlockSize($bs) { $this->blockSize = $bs; } } ?>
<?php require_once("ISymmetricKey.php"); require_once("AESKeyInclude.php"); require_once("Hex.php"); class AESKey implements ISymmetricKey { private $_keyByte; private $_keyLength; private $_nNr; private $_stateByte; private $_tempByte; public function AESKey($key/*:ByteArray*/) { $this->_tempByte = array(); $this->_stateByte = array(); $this->_keyLength = count($key); $this->_keyByte = $key; $this->expandKey(); } // produce Nb bytes for each round private function expandKey() { $tmp0=0; $tmp1=0; $tmp2=0; $tmp3=0; $tmp4=0; $idx=0; $Nk = $this->_keyLength/4; //echo("count:".$Nk."<br>".count($this->_keyByte)."<br>"); $this->_nNr = $Nk+6; $_keyByte = $this->_keyByte; $_nNr = $this->_nNr; $Nb = AESKeyInclude::$Nb; $Sbox = AESKeyInclude::$_Sbox; $Rcon = AESKeyInclude::$_Rcon; for( $idx = $Nk; $idx < $Nb * ($_nNr + 1); $idx++ ) { $tmp0 = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 4]; $tmp1 = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 3]; $tmp2 = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 2]; $tmp3 = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 1]; if( !($idx % $Nk) ) { $tmp4 = $tmp3; $tmp3 = $Sbox[$tmp0]; $tmp0 = $Sbox[$tmp1] ^ $Rcon[$idx/$Nk]; $tmp1 = $Sbox[$tmp2]; $tmp2 = $Sbox[$tmp4]; } else if( $Nk > 6 && $idx % $Nk == 4 ) { $tmp0 = $Sbox[$tmp0]; $tmp1 = $Sbox[$tmp1]; $tmp2 = $Sbox[$tmp2]; $tmp3 = $Sbox[$tmp3]; } $_keyByte[4*$idx+0] = $_keyByte[4*$idx - 4*$Nk + 0] ^ $tmp0; $_keyByte[4*$idx+1] = $_keyByte