日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20608 次
class SpamShieldComponent extends Object {
??? /** * b8 instance?
??? var $b8;
??? /** * standard rating * * comments with ratings which are higher than this one will be considered as SPAM?
??? var $standardRating = 0.7;
??? /** * text to be classified
??? var $text;
??? /** * rating of the text */
??? var $rating;
??? /** * Constructor * * @date 2009-1-20 */
??? function startup(&$controller) {
??????? //register a CommentModel to get the DBO resource link
??????? $comment = ClassRegistry::init('Comment'); //import b8 and create an instance????
?????? ?App::import('Vendor', 'b8/b8');
?????? ?$this->b8 = new b8($comment->getDBOResourceLink()); //set standard rating???
?????? ?$this->standardRating = Configure::read('LT.bayesRating') ? Configure::read('LT.bayesRating') : $this->standardRating;
??? }
??? /** * Set the text to be classified * * @param $text String the text to be classified * @date 2009-1-20 */
??? function set($text) {
??????? $this->text = $text;
??? }
??? /** * Get Bayesian rating * * @date 2009-1-20 */
??? function rate() {
?????? ?//get Bayes rating and return return
?????? ?$this->rating = $this->b8->classify($this->text);
??? }
??? /** * Validate a message based on the rating, return true if it's NOT a SPAM * * @date 2009-1-20 */
??? function validate() {
??????? return $this->rate() < $this->standardRating;
??? }
??? /** * Learn a SPAM or a HAM * * @date 2009-1-20 */
??? function learn($mode) {
?????? ?$this->b8->learn($this->text, $mode);
??? }
??? /** * Unlearn a SPAM or a HAM * * @date 2009-1-20 */
??? function unlearn($mode) {
?????? ?$this->b8->unlearn($this->text, $mode);
??? }
/** * get the resource link of MySQL connection */ public function getDBOResourceLink() { return $this->getDataSource()->connection; }