日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20421 次

在线等. php报错 急急急
朋友一个网站叫我加点功能, 我把php, 跟mysql部署到本地apache下面, 访问index.htm时, 一直报错, 找不到原因, 坐等大虾帮忙.
 php地址: http://download.csdn.net/detail/df274119386/4351419
 数据库文件地址: http://download.csdn.net/detail/df274119386/4351446
 希望哪位大虾下载下来部署一下, 看问题出在哪 , 万分感谢! 欢迎加q:11250045指导
本地运行环境:window7, php5.4.3, apache2.2, mysql5.5


Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 3

Notice: Undefined index: jxadmin in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 38

Notice: Undefined index: kauser in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 47

Notice: Undefined index: username in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 56

Notice: Undefined index: jxadmin in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 119

Notice: Undefined index: kauser in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 122

Notice: Undefined index: username in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 124

Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in E:\web\Conjunction.php on line 213
='".$text."' Order By ID Desc LIMIT 1"); $Current_KitheTablehp8=mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($Current_KitheTablehp8!=""){ $Current_Kithe_Numhp8=$Current_KitheTablehp8['nn']; }else{ $Current_Kithe_Numhp8=1; } $result=mysql_query("Select * From hp9_Kithe where zfbdate1<='".$text."' and zfbdate>='".$text."' Order By ID Desc LIMIT 1"); $Current_KitheTablehp9=mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($Current_KitheTablehp9!=""){ $Current_Kithe_Numhp9=$Current_KitheTablehp9['nn']; }else{ $Current_Kithe_Numhp9=1; } $results=mysql_query("Select * From s_Kithe where zfbdate1<='".$text."' and zfbdate>='".$text."' Order By ID Desc LIMIT 1"); $Current_KitheTables=mysql_fetch_array($results); if ($Current_KitheTables!=""){ $Current_Kithe_Nums=$Current_KitheTables['nn']; }else{ $Current_Kithe_Nums=1; } $resultl=mysql_query("Select * From l_Kithe where zfbdate1<='".$text."' and zfbdate>='".$text."' Order By ID Desc LIMIT 1"); $Current_KitheTablel=mysql_fetch_array($resultl); if ($Current_KitheTablel!=""){ $Current_Kithe_Numl=$Current_KitheTablel['nn']; }else{ $Current_Kithe_Numl=1; } ?>
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ka_config() in E:\web\go.php on line 5

Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated
是说set_magic_quotes_runtime() 函数已废弃。

打开php.ini 令 error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE 

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);