现要找出A、B表中EXP_CODE字段等于 'R8_002_XZ,和EXP_CODE不相同的记录,用下面的语句,如果两表EXP_CODE记录上万的情况下,基本上就死机了,何况到百万级。请问如何改进。
select * from a where EXP_CODE= 'R8_002_XZ ' and code not in (select code from b)
------解决方案--------------------select * from a where EXP_CODE= 'R8_002_XZ ' and code not in (select code from b)
select * from a left join b on a.code=b.code
where a.EXP_CODE= 'R8_002_XZ ' and b.code is null
再看你的code上有无索引,如无,建索引, exp_code 上也建
------解决方案--------------------select * from a where exp_code= 'r8_002_xz ' and code not exist(select code from b where exp_code!= 'r8_002_xz ')
要求:version> 4.1,支持子查询.
select * from a left join b on a.code=b.code and a.EXP_CODE=b.EXP_CODE
where a.EXP_CODE= 'R8_002 ' and b.code is null
------解决方案--------------------嵌套的select效率比较低,尽量用inner join, left join代替
select * from a where exp_code= 'r8_002_xz ' and code not in(select code from b where exp_code!= 'r8_002_xz ');
select * from a where exp_code= 'r8_002_xz ' and not exists(select code from b where exp_code!= 'r8_002_xz ' and a.code=b.code);
------解决方案--------------------select * from a left join b on a.code=b.code and a.EXP_CODE=b.EXP_CODE and b.code is null
辛苦了, "农普 "同行!
------解决方案--------------------哈哈哈.... 遇着了.....