日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20623 次

Fatal error: Class 'Tpl' not found in D:\AppServ\www\yshop\configs\run.inc.php on line 22

我手动 require ROOT_PATH.'/public/Tpl.class.php';又出现这个错误
Fatal error: Access level to Tpl::__construct() must be public (as in class Smarty) in D:\AppServ\www\yshop\public\Tpl.class.php on line 46

class Tpl extends Smarty{

static private $instance;

static public function getInstance(){
if(!(self::$instance instanceof self)){
  self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
private function __clone(){


private function __construct(){
private function setConfigs(){
$this->template_dir = ROOT_PATH.'/view/';
$this->compile_dir = ROOT_PATH.'/compile/';
$this->config_dir = ROOT_PATH.'/configs/';
$this->cache_dir = ROOT_PATH.'/cache/';
$this->caching = 0;
$this->cache_lifetime = 60*60*24;
$this->left_delimiter = '{';
$this->right_delimiter = '}';
} 这里是46行


那就是因为你的Smarty类的构造函数(__construct)访问权限是public,根据oo规则,子类复写的同一方法,访问权限必须低于父类的,所谓的高低关系为(private > protected > public)