日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20436 次



1 创建表数据空间

SQL> create tablespace cat_data nologging

datafile '/home/Oracle/app/oracle/oradata/catdb/cat_data.dbf' size 4096M

extent management local autoallocate;


SQL> create tablespace cat_index nologging

datafile '/home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/catdb/cat_index.dbf' size 4096M

extent management local autoallocate;


SQL> create user cat identified by cat default tablespace cat_data account unlock;

SQL> grant connect, resource to cat;

SQL> grant select on v_$instance to cat;

SQL> grant select on v_$session to cat;

SQL> grant select any table to cat;

SQL> grant alter any sequence to cat;

SQL> grant create any trigger to cat;

SQL> grant create any directory to cat;

SQL> grant create any procedure to cat;

SQL> grant create any table to cat;

SQL> grant dba to cat;